Month: April 2023

Fiafia – Cultural Celebrations to end the term

We had another wonderful addition to the end of term celebrations. It was our cultural evening. We all the chance to showcase the different cultures that make up Otahuhu Primary School. We are certainly a school rich in culture.

Here we have a short video sharing one of our rehearsals.
We’re looking forward to sharing images from the actual event soon.


Celebrating Term 1 and Welcoming Term 2

We in Room 8 truly  enjoyed   an action -packed, exhilarating time throughout TERM 1.

Every day brimming with excitement, energy, fun, and endless opportunities for growth and learning.

We enjoyed  a Whanua  Fun Day with bouncy castles, sausage sizzles, iceblocks and lots of prizes. Congratulations to Aaliyah !!!  She won the BIGGEST PRIZE!!



Enjoying a daily dosage of stimulating activities such BRAIN GYM EXERCISE that kept our  minds engaged and our hearts racing. 


 Tackling complex Maths  problems