Tag: Kawa of Care

Taking charge and taking care of my stuff!

Today Room 8 have started the year with the Manaiakalani Programme.   We spent time learning about the ‘Kawa of Care’.  That’s right – how we take care of our things!

We shared items that Mrs Tele’a brought into our class. Each time she presented a piece, she asked us about how we might take good care of the item.  We pointed out locations in our classroom that would be good storage and working places for the various objects.  

We discussed how cost wise some of the items may not be expensive, however very valuable. Valuable in that someone worked hard to make it, it may be something to remember a loved one by, it may be an item passed onto generations – important to our whanau and cultural heritage.

Room 8 were very quick to give great ideas on how you could take good care of a number of items. These items included objects they held dear too.   We likened this good practice to how we look after our chromebooks, how we carry/place and store our chromebooks at home AND school.   Room 8 have worked very hard and have 13 students so far owning their chromebooks.   There are more to come – watch this space!
Tino pai to mahi Room 8 and Ms Dollie.    We will keep reminding each other about the Kawa of Care in the weeks to come.