Category: Hanga | Create

Student blog posting begins!

Hello everyone.   This is a blog post from Mohammed Faizaan in Room 8.  This week our students posted introductions of themselves to their online world audience.

Here’s a great example of Room 8 students posting their introductions for 2023.  

As-salaam alaykum and peace greeting to all of you welcome to my blog.

My name is Faizaan I’m in year 6.  I learn at Otahuhu primary school.  My amazing teacher is Mrs Dollie at Otahuhu Primary school.

I really enjoy math’s and writing I’m good at math.   I’m challenging myself to learn my spelling and timetables.  I’m looking forward to awards and trophies I might be able to get this year.   I’m happy that my teacher inspires all for us.

Malo lelei my name is Gordon. I am a year 6 student. I go to Otahuhu primary school my teacher is Mrs Dollie In room 8. 

I’m good at spelling my goal is to improve my Writing and maths.  I want to practice big words that will help me with my spelling.  My goal for this year is to get awards.  I want to always look smart and clean. I will practice my timetables, fractions and equations.

I’m happy my teacher inspires me and my class room to learn.

Please click on the following names to see more and leave comments for these students.   Mohammed Faizaan and Gordon of Room 8.

Fiafia – Cultural Celebrations to end the term

We had another wonderful addition to the end of term celebrations. It was our cultural evening. We all the chance to showcase the different cultures that make up Otahuhu Primary School. We are certainly a school rich in culture.

Here we have a short video sharing one of our rehearsals.
We’re looking forward to sharing images from the actual event soon.


Celebrating Term 1 and Welcoming Term 2

We in Room 8 truly  enjoyed   an action -packed, exhilarating time throughout TERM 1.

Every day brimming with excitement, energy, fun, and endless opportunities for growth and learning.

We enjoyed  a Whanua  Fun Day with bouncy castles, sausage sizzles, iceblocks and lots of prizes. Congratulations to Aaliyah !!!  She won the BIGGEST PRIZE!!



Enjoying a daily dosage of stimulating activities such BRAIN GYM EXERCISE that kept our  minds engaged and our hearts racing. 


 Tackling complex Maths  problems

Time to draw!

Writing and drawing time this week! After completing work on our personal profiles for our blogs, our Year 6 students were introduced to the wonderful world of Google Draw! They began by drawing a house, where they were able to explore the various tools available in the program, such as shapes and colours.

Room 8 were able to create a variety of different houses, each with their own unique style and personality. Next week, the students will continue their exploration of Google Draw by focusing on cultural motifs and patterns. They will learn how to incorporate different designs into their artwork and create their own unique interpretations of traditional motifs with additional tools in google draw.

We can’t wait to see what they come up with!
Please leave us a positive helpful comment.

Taking charge and taking care of my stuff!

Today Room 8 have started the year with the Manaiakalani Programme.   We spent time learning about the ‘Kawa of Care’.  That’s right – how we take care of our things!

We shared items that Mrs Tele’a brought into our class. Each time she presented a piece, she asked us about how we might take good care of the item.  We pointed out locations in our classroom that would be good storage and working places for the various objects.  

We discussed how cost wise some of the items may not be expensive, however very valuable. Valuable in that someone worked hard to make it, it may be something to remember a loved one by, it may be an item passed onto generations – important to our whanau and cultural heritage.

Room 8 were very quick to give great ideas on how you could take good care of a number of items. These items included objects they held dear too.   We likened this good practice to how we look after our chromebooks, how we carry/place and store our chromebooks at home AND school.   Room 8 have worked very hard and have 13 students so far owning their chromebooks.   There are more to come – watch this space!
Tino pai to mahi Room 8 and Ms Dollie.    We will keep reminding each other about the Kawa of Care in the weeks to come.

Kia ora, As-salamu alaykum, Talofa , mālō e lelei , bula, namaste, kia orāna, fakalofa lahi atu, Nĭhǎo

I present my mihi  

Welcome to ROOM 8  Class  Blog  Ngā mihi  nui !! 

Term 1 2023

A mihi is a formal greeting, which includes your pepeha, whakapapa, whakatauki etc.

Whakapapa tells people about your lineage and ancestry,

whereas a Pepeha anchors you to the land.

You can link yourself to mountains, rivers, tribes or other landmarks. 

Maoridom prioritizes everything before oneself.

You always begin by acknowledging God or the Creator.