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Year 6 Graduation Assembly 2023

Guess what? Our Year 6 Graduation at Otahuhu Primary School was so enjoyable today! 🎓🌟 It was a celebration of us reaching the end of primary with all our parents and school community.

We had a ceremony where we got to be on stage, holding our graduation certificates.  Three of our class members (you can watch in video) gave speeches.  The speeches acknowledged our school, teacher, parents and community.

But wait there’s more!  After the ceremony, we all had the yummiest lunch ever! 🍕🍎 There was so much food, and it felt like a big family lunch with all our friends and teachers. We laughed and talked about all the fun stuff we did during the year.

I think that’s just how Otahuhu does things – we celebrate together, and it’s always so much fun. Now we’re ready for the next adventure in the intermediate years! 🚀📚

Thank you Otahuhu Primary School! 🏫💖. Thank you Mrs Dollie.  We hope you have a wonderful Christmas break.

Room 8 of 2023

Diwali, celebrating our language and culture

The opportunity to share our language and culture at Otahuhu is always available to us.   This is something we love about our school.  We celebrate our diversity AND the many things we have in common.

This particular week we had the opportunity to celebrate Diwali along with our Indian language.  See here how members of our class dressed up and also enjoyed the celebrations of this very special week.

From one of our research sites: Diwali is India’s biggest and most important holiday of the year. The festival gets its name from the row (avali) of clay lamps (deepa) that Indians light outside their homes to symbolize the inner light that protects from spiritual darkness. This festival is as important to Hindus as the Christmas holiday is to Christians.

2023 – what a year!

I am very happy to have reached week 8 of term 4.   This means I have only 2 more weeks of being year 6.  There is a lot that I am grateful for.

I only joined Otahuhu this year, actually this term.   I have new friends and learned new things in this school.  Please look at my reflection here to learn about what I have enjoyed and what I look forward to in 2024.