The Way Forward for 2025: Strengthening  a Culture of Reading ,

Ta-Nehisi Coates, in his book The Message, he wrote,

We are charged with examining the stories we have been told, and how they reinforce the politics we have accepted  and then telling new stories ourselves 


 Strengthening  a Culture of Reading , we aim to foster a sense of agency and voice within the Otahuhu Community

  • Through initiatives like Teachers as Readers and Whānau Reading, we have seen how engagement increases when reading is modelled and celebrated as a shared experience.

Expanding Whanāu and Community Engagement 

  • Build on the success of Whānau Reading by creating more opportunities for parents and caregivers to be involved.

  • Establish reading workshops for families to equip them with strategies to support reading at home.

After School Reading Programme – Thank you!

Hello Room 8 Whānau!

We wanted to share the wonderful experience we’ve had with our afterschool reading programme, led by our across COL teacher, Fatima Dollie. This programme has been an incredible opportunity for our tamariki to develop a love for reading, and it’s been made extra special because of the amazing support from our parents and caregivers who have joined us every week.

Seeing our parents sitting with their children, exploring new stories, and sharing the joy of reading together has been truly heartwarming. This commitment has shown just how much of a difference we can make when we work together as a community, supporting each other’s learning and growth.

A big thank you goes out to Duffy Books in Homes for providing us with fantastic books to read, and to Kings College and Bells Transport for helping us make this programme possible. Their support has made it easier for our students to have access to these valuable resources and has allowed us to share the magic of books with everyone involved.

We look forward to continuing this journey of reading, learning, and sharing stories together. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this programme. Let’s keep reading, Room 8!

Ngā mihi, Room 8 Team

EPro8 Competition ( Engineer, Problem Solve, Innovate.)

EPRO 8, 2024( Engineer, Problem Solve, Innovate.)

We want to congratulate Jayden and Naylor, from Room 8 who competed in the Year 5-6 competition.  It was their first experience at EPro8, and we are super proud of their efforts!

Week 3 Thursday October 31st students took part in EPro8 – a problem solving challenge promoting science, engineering and teamwork skills. The students had a great time working together on an activity to build a structure using the materials provided.